Author Topic: Very grateful. Words fail me!!!!!!  (Read 713 times)

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Offline NadeneR

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Very grateful. Words fail me!!!!!!
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:51:24 am »
19 Nov. 09

Dear fellow Baby Whisperers

I’m quite emotional and pretty choked up.  The reason I write this post is that my Angel Baby, Talia, turns 1 today.   :'(  Where has this year gone?  Can’t believe it’s been a year since I first looked into the face of an angel, my little girl, and every day have loved her more and more, to the point where I am now, feeling that my heart is going to burst with love and adoration for this beautiful little person I have been blessed with.

Some of you may know my story, but for those who don’t, here’s just a rundown.  With DS, now 5, I had the most beautiful pregnancy, but had a VERY hard time with him as a baby.  He would NOT nap, woke between 5 and 11 times a night for over 8 months and only started STTN a month or two after his 4th birthday!!!  I functioned on an average of 1.5 hrs of sleep per night for those 8+ months.  I was a tearful, depressed, angry, resentful mess.  I was useless as a mother and wife and my marriage was falling apart as a result.  DH saw it as my responsibility to deal with the wakings as he had to work.  I was alone in a world I had no clue how to handle.  I loved my son, but hated being a mother, and TBH, did not enjoy my baby boy at all (feel so guilty for even writing that). I was treated for PPD / PND, but mine was purely due to sleep deprivation.  I so understand why it’s used as a form of torture.

It took us a long time before we were ready to have another.  I’d always wanted 2 (or more) children, but I was petrified.  At long last the decision was made and I fell pregnant with Talia.  During my pregnancy, I discussed my fears of having another baby like DS with my midwife.  She recommended BW … bless that woman’s beautiful soul.  I then had a horrific last 3 – 4 months of my pregnancy, moved house at 24 weeks, hospitalised at 27 weeks with a colon / bowel infection, hospitalised at 34 weeks with Asthma – the pregnancy was putting tremendous strain on my heart and lungs, hospitalised again at 36 weeks as I was coughing so much as a result of the asthma that I broke 1 or 2 ribs coughing (NO kidding), and making myself so sick that I couldn’t keep any food down and was vomiting all the time.  The physician wanted to do a C-section at 36 weeks, but my gynaecologist thought we should wait, so I stuck it out and went into labour 3 days before her due date (with broken ribs an all) and had my 2nd water birth.  I used these weeks of being so sick to read BWSAYP from cover to cover.

And then I was blessed with an angel, a good sleeper, a good drinker, and a baby with the happiest disposition who almost NEVER cries or moans.  But it hasn’t always been easy.  We’ve faced reflux, diagnosed at 6 weeks, and then just the usual stuff like getting sh/pat to work, 45min nap monster, bf issues here and there, and now onto the 2-1 nap transition.

And that brings me to the actual reason for this post … ALL OF YOU!!  If I could give each one of you a personal hug to say thank you, I would, for coming along side me and supporting me, giving advice, hugs and love to a complete stranger, for posting all your stories, challenges and successes for the rest of us to learn from.  You are, by far, the most BEAUTIFUL community of women I have ever come across.  Thank you, most of all for helping me to enjoy this first year of my baby girl’s life.  I’m a better mom, and also a better person, because of all of you, Tracy and this website.

With love and true gratitude


Proud wife to Lukas and mom to:
Son: Lian 19/08/2004
Daughter: Talia 19/11/2008
Step daughter: Anri 19/11/1994

Offline RachelC

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Re: Very grateful. Words fail me!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 11:32:10 am »

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months