Author Topic: No weight gain from 3 to 4 months???  (Read 4466 times)

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Re: No weight gain from 3 to 4 months???
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2009, 00:06:43 am »
Hi ladies, thanks so much for all the replies and reassurance.

Viviana- we were on EASY since about 6 weeks but when the weight issue came up I decided that eating had to take top priority, so I end up doing more of an EASES...or something...basically whatever it takes and no trying to end NWings so that he can get extra calories.

DS is really active...he basically is able to stand on his own at just 4.5 months (his fingers on mine) and wants to be practicing that all the time. He loves his exersaucer, which as the name suggests, gives him lots of movement. So, yes, he is likely burning lots of calories!

Vikki- we had a similar issue with family doctors here as well but thankfully just as we moved here a new clinic opened up with a slew of new, young doctors. We jumped at the chance to get on their caseload and I have to say, have excellent family health care...very responsive and fast. I'm in Atlantic, btw. Apparently though, the paeds are much more short, and only one is accepting new patients!

I have an appointment of my own on Monday so I am going to bring it up anyway. I honestly can't see how he could gain an ounce with all the spitup/vomitting. It was unreal again today!

Does anyone think that teething could have any impact on breastfeeding? Ie-making LO's less interested?

Poor Sarah and beautiful DD...sorry you are having rough nights. As weird as it sounds, even with all these increased NWings, night is still our best least the feeds are relaxing and long, and he seems to go back to sleep without the major crying spells we have with naps.

I know I should stop worrying!  I think sometimes I let others bother me.."he's 4.5 months!?! but he's soooo small!" The nurse actually said "let's put it this way, he'll probably be standing in the front for class pictures!"

Thanks again ladies. I just want to enjoy every precious minute we have together and stop worrying about weight and reflux and horrible naps. Sigh. I guess a mother's life is worry!

Take care...really do appreciate all your help.


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Re: No weight gain from 3 to 4 months???
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2009, 00:45:16 am »
Teething can definitely make los less interested in breastfeeding - the sucking puts pressure on their gums and can really be uncomfortable for them!  If you think that teething may be an issue, try giving camilia or pain meds about 20 minutes before a feeding and see if that helps.  There's more information on this FAQ too:

Is your little guy medicated for reflux?  I have no personal experience with it, but from reading other threads I know that when babies hit 4-6mo old sometimes medication changes/dosage adjustments are necessary to keep it under control.  I think it might be worth a post on the colic, reflux, and crying board, and definitely worth asking about at your appointment on Monday.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes!  :-*
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

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Re: No weight gain from 3 to 4 months???
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2009, 17:37:09 pm »'s it going? Hope you're well and your lo is doing super!