Author Topic: Oversupply? Reflux? Growth Spurt?  (Read 4356 times)

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Oversupply? Reflux? Growth Spurt?
« on: November 21, 2009, 00:12:54 am »


Wondering if LO is exhibiting signs of reflux, my first question is; if it was reflux would the symptoms just now at 5 weeks become present?

It could also be oversupply< i get very full and she gulps when very hungry but last night she was fussing and pulling off the breast after a few minutes but it seemed like she was hungry and I was feeding every 1.5 hours and so my supply would be low and she was frustrated?

Could it be a growth spurt?

She does spit up quit a bit, sometime after a feed and it is curdled (sry tmo)but today she brought up her whole feed twice, directly after she ate, well it is hard to say if it was a whole feed as she is EBF but it was a lot.

she has had a rough few days and I am thinking maybe growth spurt??  its just if she isnt eating or sleeping she seems very fussy...

TIA, sorry for the tired rambles!!

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Re: Oversupply? Reflux? Growth Spurt?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2009, 02:13:07 am »
Oh it's so hard to tell isn't it?! I'm still trying to figure it out with my ds though I'm sure at this point it's reflux and he's a happy spitter.

Two thoughts I have; if you're feeding every 1.5 hours your lo might be taking in too much and the spit up might be because she is too full (?). I would try to spread the feeds out- first I'd try to go 2 hours between feeds then stretch it to 2.5 hours. Once that's established and your dd is a little older and can handle it go 3 hours for some, if not all feeds but let your dd dictate when she wants to eat. Second thought is that maybe the fussiness is from gas (?). I find my ds (3 months) is quite fussy when he's gassy and when he was that age the gas was really hard for him to deal with.

Oh, if you want a little piece of mind on her spit up quantity take a measuring cup and pour in 1 oz of water then spill it out on your counter (or floor) just to see how much it is. One ounce is HUGE when you pour it out from a measuring cup so the next time your dd spits up and you think it's the entire meal it might much less. My ds spits up like crazy, just today I wanted to re-feed him after a feed because I swear the entire meal came up but I didn't because I know it's not the full amount.

As for actual reflux, it sounds like it's a possibility, expecially if she's spitting up curdled milk well after her feed. My ds does that too. He spits up so much and after each feed that I still count wet diapers from time to time to make sure enough is staying in him. I would suggest checking with your doctor to see if it is and if you need to medicate (not all refluxers need meds, my ds is a "happy spitter"). The reflux board has great tips to help.
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Re: Oversupply? Reflux? Growth Spurt?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2009, 02:43:37 am »
I think the best advice is to listen to your gut instinct! My LO was choking and sputtering at my breast and would cry with frustration throughout. I called my midwife and told her I strongly suspected acid. She dismissed that thought and she said it was due to oversupply and to try an adjustment position. This was around 3 months. I did try to change position, and, admittedly, it did help (I lay down with her facing my breast). She was sleeping through the night and seemed okay so I dismissed all thoughts of acid. She would eat for an hour sometimes and just passively suck.

Fast forward a month. I was in denial that she had acid. I didn't want to think about my baby having to take medications.

She was getting worse. She was fussing. She didn't enjoy being on her back or her stomach. She spit up a lot and she made a face and sometimes would cry. Sleeping time was horrendous as she would cry at each nap time. She was still sleeping the night for the most part, but I started her on Zantac. The first day I gave it to her, her naps extended and her mood and spirits were lifted. Her eating habits were the same - fussy, arching..and her eating was starting time to decrease from 45 to 30 to 7 minutes. I think one of the biggest cues was her ability to handle stimulation. She SCREAMED if she came back into a quiet room after being handled for so long. I knew something was wrong other than being too small to handle overstimulation. I would try to feed her after and she would just cry cry cry and sputter and choke and took forever to calm her down. My heart was breaking and I knew I had to take action fast.

Fast forward a couple more weeks. Even worse. Crying all the time. Not eating well. Frantic body acrobats and the need to eat but her body would arch away from my breast.

Anyhoo..she's on Prevacid. Her eating habits have gotten a lot better! She eats for twice as long. She's pretty quiet throughout the day but she doesn't cry with pain anymore and can definitely handle more stimulation. Mind you, that may just because she's getting bigger.

I was eating a lot of eggs in the last few days and she was so miserable and since then my milk has flushed them out, she's been much more content.

I suggest keeping a food diary. I also suggest adjusting your position breastfeeding. Watch your baby for cues :) Keep up the great work and good luck!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 02:51:02 am by Jiinx »

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Re: Oversupply? Reflux? Growth Spurt?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2009, 13:19:11 pm »
Thanks a lot everyone for your thoughts, it is so hard to figure out!!!  And the more I read on here and Kellysmom ans LLL about possible issues I am going crosseyed!!

We had a really bad day yestereday, really green mucousy poop and seriously fussy, to the point of screaming (this is new) a mixture of overtiredness from being unable to settle because she just seemed so uncomfortable.

The more I look at the symptoms lists I am stilil torn between: oversupply/milk protein intolerance and reflux....*sigh*.  Saturday PM i had cereal for supper and again yesterday morning, quit a bit more dairy than I ususally eat so that has thrown me again.

MIlena: thanks for that, when i said I was feeding 1.5 hours that was cluster feeding in the evening, generally DD will go 2.5 to 3 hours bewteen feeds and we are doing single-sided feeding.  I do get very 'full' and she generally eats well during the day for at least 30 minutes and has some good burps, so I am thinking this will settle the oversupply if that in fact is the culprit??  She has even adjust to "sipping" (going on and off the breast for a few minutes) when she starts to feed (clever girl!).

This morning (and through the night) her poos have gone back to yellow but still seem mucousy and she had a great night. 

Jiinx, you described our day yesterday, by the end of the day it was craziness trying to calm her and get her to try and sleep.  Finally the only thing that calmed her was an UBER swaddle, the pitch black bathroom, swaying and running the hairdryer!!  But after bath and feed she fell into  a COMA and slept for 4.5 hours!

It is so strange because she has been soooo mellow up to this point and I know she is only 5 weeks and settling in and could very well just be adjusting to it all but I cant in good conscience not try and figure out a way to help her IYKWIM?

We have a ped. check up this morning but her ped is sooo anti dairy it seems to be her answer for everytihng so I suspect she will tell me to stop eating dairy *sigh*. 

I really suspect oversupply and hope I can get it under control, we'll see with her weight gain etc... but she really does have a huge amount of wet and dirty diapers, the green (undigested milk) poos, the spitting up, getting rid of excess, gassiness from too much foremilk.....  It is a shame because I have stopped pumping, twas nice to have DH give her a bottle once in awhile!!

Thanks again, will let you know how it goes at the ped!

« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 13:57:07 pm by Richelle »

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Re: Oversupply? Reflux? Growth Spurt?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2009, 16:34:53 pm »

Just back from the Ped's, she prescribed an antacid because she thinks that if it is either oversupply or reflux the Zantac will help??

She is gaining well, 10lbs even, has gained 2lbs9oz in 3 weeks. 

Also she is back to yellow poos and very mellow and settled today!!!!! 


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Re: Oversupply? Reflux? Growth Spurt?
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2009, 17:35:33 pm »
that's excellent richelle!

 Your baby sounds so similar to mine. She was born 5.5lbs and within 3 months she was up to 11lbs! I was over the moon. Then she started not gaining weight which may just mean she's reached her genetic potential.

I'm so happy her diapers are normal and she's happy. Do you think something in your diet has been flushed out and she's happier now?

If you have any other issues tomorrow, next week or next month don't hesitate to start a new topic or refer to these:

The last one was one I started last month :)