can anyone help me, my 3 .5 year old little girl has starting waking up in the night and it has been happening now for nearly two weeks. She has before woken up and just go into her and she will go back to sleep, a few times she will push it but I have managed to stop it after a couple of nights, But this has been going on for a couple of weeks now. When I put her to bed about 7.00pm, she has no nap in the day so she is quite tired, but I will put her to bed and she will come up with things like, I need to go to the toilet (she is still in a pull up, but coming out of them soon she has been dry for a few weeks at night) then it will be can I have some water, then it will be can I have a bit of tissue. Then she will go to sleep, but in the night now if she wakes, it seems to be all those things. i am worried now that I have made a habit or some sort. I cant say to her no you can go to the toilet and no you cant have a drink (well can I ), but last night she woke up at 2.00am and it went off and on until 4.00am, it starts off calm, but when you get back in to bed and then 20 mins later she wakes you up calling mummy then after a while I get annoyed. What should I do. Do I ignore her or carry on. there does not seem to be any different in her life apart from her getting dry at night. But I just dont; know why she keeps waking up, it like she can;t get back to sleep with out those things. She has a dummy as well, but that is not what she is asking for.
I also went in to her after a couple of times, and she says things like can I have but then never says, like she does not need anything she is trying to think of something. She must have said when she woke up once, "can I have 7 times", and then all it was was something like a bit of tissue, or some water.
Any ideas, she is in the same room as her twin brother, so I don;t want him waking up either. But he is also starting to wake and he never did before and he will always want some water. is this water thing coming a nightmare. I always take a drink to bed, but have I made this in to a problem now and how could I stop it