Hi there,
My 6.5 month old DD has just started refusing the bottle in the past week or so. It took really long to have her accept the bottle in the first place (she didn't really reject it but she didn't seem to know what to do with it) but once she did, it always went well, we gave her a bottle a day for a while but then I decided to start breastfeeding full time again and reduced it to about a bottle per week. Now, I need to wean her for 2 of her 4 feeds since she's starting daycare in January and I want the weaning to occur a couple of weeks before that since I know daycare will be difficult enough as it is I want to avoid any further disturbances in the same period. But she keeps refusing the bottle, she just won't open her mouth and ends up crying after 1-2 minutes of me trying.
I want to continue breastfeeding her first thing in the morning and before bed and replace the two feeds during the day only. If I decide not to breastfeed her until she accepts the bottle, if it takes 1-2 days, will it impact my milk production since I do want to continue feednig her? Also I'm not sure I'm mentally strong enough to do that, I'm assuming it will involve lots of crying and I've been struggling lately, not sure if it's PPD or something else, I'm seeing my doctor on Wednesday about it.
So I would prefer to do it gently but I don't know if there are any other options than just continuing to offer the bottle every day?