Hi everyone,
I've had so much lovely help from sherry and liz on another post but since i started that when my DD was 4 months old and she's now 6 months, i thought i'd better start a new one.
I'm wondering if its time to drop the CN as i'm at that point where the day feels like its 'not working' and she's tired overall at the end of the day (OT and hyped up actually), but isn't actually sleepy and wanting to go to bed.
Here's a typical day...
7am wake
9am in bed (asleep 9:15ish)
10:45 awake (1.5 hrs sleep)
1:15 in bed (asleep soon after)
2:45 awake (1.5 hrs sleep)
5:00 in bed (getting harder this CN now as she sometimes wants to chat etc, but if she doesn't fall asleep quickly the nap is getting way too late so starting to APOP to get her to hurry up and go to sleep for this nap.
5:45 awake (40 min CN)
7:45 grizzling but also very OS and hyped up as its been a long day. In bed but takes ages to settle, often need to rock in my arms for a while to calm her down. Then she's happy to be put in her cot and fall asleep there (with shh pat often), but if i put her straight in her cot (like i do for her naps) she is just so hyper and she kicks and wriggles (she's still swaddled) and gets all cross and protests and spits the paci out.
8:15ish asleep. So bedtime is taking quite a while even with my help, if i didn't help her i think i'd be doing a million dummy runs and she'd be kicking herself out of the swaddle with how razzed up she is.
It seems like because her night time is now less than 11 hours (10.5 to 11 hours is whats happening at the moment), she is less refreshed for the day and so even the A times above (2.25 then 2.5 then 2.25 then 2) are a bit of a stretch. If i put her to bed sooner though she has short naps, so i know she needs those A times at least, if not longer to give good naps.
Any ideas??
I don't want to cut the CN too soon and overwhelm her with A times that are too long for her, but every day i feel like the CN and bedtime she is not in the right 'zone' to settle quietly and nod off, so i am helping her more and more.
Thanks in advance!
i forgot to add, she's 6 months 8 days old.