Hi there, I'm new to the site. I've been looking at posts for the past month or so since we implemented EASY, and it's really really great.
I'm having some issues with my DD's routine. We are essentially on a 3.5 hour EASY. I really want to get her to a 4 hour routine, because she seems v. comfortable feeding that far apart. However, I just cannot get her A time past 1h15min in the morning or 1h30-40 min in the afternoon without her turning into a little monster baby (she is spirited and, as much as I don't like to admit it, grumpy, I think).
So we're really struggling with naps, because she wants to sleep quite frequently.
I'm wondering a few things:
1. is any of this related to the fact that she was born 2 weeks early? i.e. should we maybe just stick to the 3.5 routine for a couple more weeks?
2. what do I do if A times, S times and E times just don't jive with one another? am I in some sort of awkward transition phase?
Thanking you in advance