Mainly feeding her as it was the only time she would eat for a while when the reflux was bad. And then for the last few days the only way I can get her off is to hold her and rock her in my arms. Dad can't even do it she just wants me. As soon as I put her in the cot she screams blue murder and then the minute I pick her up again she is asleep. Arrrgh!
I have put her in her pram for a couple of sleeps today just so she gets used to going to sleep not on me again. Is there a thread for gradual withdrawl and shh/pat for older babies? She is 6.5 months now. Since I can't do PU/PD I think I just need a plan to use that I can then stick to. I know it might take a while but at the moment I am without a plan and that's just plain scary. Added to the mix is the fact that sleep training of any type is very difficult with a toddler running round.
I think maybe I am on the wrong board now- sorry! Feel free to redirect me if you need to.
Thanks so much