I remember being in your shoes and feeling like no one understood me when I kept saying "I don't understand!!!" And I had lots of reassurance on here that I would figure it out and it would all fall into place and I kept responding "Uhhh you ladies have a lot of faith in me for NO reason, I swear, I have NO clue!!!"
And .... they were right. It DOES fall into place! I spent a lot of time reading through the feeding solid foods board and the sample easy routines for my DS's age, and just reading various different posts on different boards here in general. Getting a skim of other people's concerns and issues and reading responses and filing all of the info away in my brain for later (could never remember to buy milk and bread though....)
As Liz says it is a matter of A times increasing, as they do, and eventually feeds get sort of juggled and slotted in around naps in whatever timing works best for you and LO.
I also really liked the "instructions" that came with having the routines in the book, but there are sample routines that you can read through, here: