LO will 8 times out of 10 now go to sleep if I put on white noise and give him his dummy, and he will go off to sleep. Sometimes if he is overtired or overstimulated - usually at the end of the day we do have to resort to letting him fall asleep on us, but its still way better than a week ago.
He is now getting 3 good long naps of around 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the day and if he does wake up I just have to go up and pop his dummy in and away he goes back to dream land (most of the time).
Now he only has his dummy when he is going to bed - although I do take it out with me incase he gets really upset in the car etc (but normally he does not have it in the day).
I do tend to take the dummy out his mouth when he falls alseep as well so he isn;t used having it in his mouth when he is asleep.
However the past few nights he has been waking up constantly - seems like every half an hour. I know its not because he is hungry because he does it not long after being fed.
He was having a feed at around 11pm and then not waking up again till 3.30am and then again at about 7am. Which was great as I was only having up get up once to feed him, and maybe once or twice to give him his dummy if he did wake up again.
Last night it must have been about 20 times I put the damn thing back in! I did wind him again incase that was cause it - but nothing came up. Needless to say I got pretty much no sleep. I fed him at 1am in case he was hungry and he was on a breast for a fair amount of time but he still woke up again about 30 mins after putting him down.
Do you think he is waking up because he wants his dummy? Or is it another reason. I was going to wait until about 4-5 months to wean the dummy - but I can't survive if I get no sleep because he won't stay asleep for more than 30mins at night.