If this kid is OT, oh boy. Here's the routine:
6:30 wake (I change him out of his pjs and wash his bottom before feeding him because he is also reluctant to eat in the a.m. too. So he eats at about 6:50.)
7:30 S (or sometimes as early as 7:20) he appears tired and goes for nap. This nap is usually not a problem.
9:30 E (usually tired by 10:15, but sometimes as early as 10)
10:15 S (usually cries going down for this nap and cries again around 11:30, but goes back to sleep on his own)
12:15 E
1:00 S (sometimes a little bit later, but not usually. This nap is problematic. He cries hard going down then wakes around 2:30 and has trouble getting back to sleep. Because my other two are napping at this point, I sit with him and put his thumb in his mouth. He goes back to sleep. We use this as "thumb sucking" practice b/c I like them to suck their thumbs.)
3:15 E
4:00 S (not usually any later than this. He cries going down and cries again around 5, but gets back to sleep on own. At 5:30, he cries again and I give him a paci while I prepare things for bedtime. He goes back to sleep until E usually or just is quite sucking his paci and sort of dozing in and out, but he is in a room on his own that is calm and quiet. My girls are not jumping around him.)
5:50 E (this is when he refuses to eat - I did an experiment and pumped so I could give him a bottle. I confirmed he refuses to eat, but then last night I got him to consume the entire 4 ounces and he still woke at 9:30 before the df at 10.) After the df, he then wakes at around 1:00 and then again at 3 (only 2 hours!). And sometimes he even early wakes at 5:00, but I give him a paci to get him to keep sleeping until 6:30. He is barely awake all day! I am annoyed.