Author Topic: Sick for 3 weeks, how to get back on track? Seems to have multiple issues here..  (Read 1184 times)

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Offline koe2moe

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DS is 12 mos.  DS was sick for 3 weeks with multiple colds, eye infection, congested cough, tonsilitis, gastroenteritis all in a row.  He's been on recovery for a week.  He lost probably 1-1.5kgs.  His nose is still congested and coughing terribly now and again.  But we have many issues since this past week.

1)  Frequent NWs and super hungry, will not resettle until a bottle but would only take 60-120ml each time.  Last night, I was able to get him to go back to sleep almost right away after it.  But he's waking every 2 or 3 hours.  We checked with the doctor and she said it's normal for kids to try and catch up with the lost weight.  And it might be coinciding with a GS???  I've been trying very hard to increase food intake during the day but we are practically almost spending whole day eating.  He's already eating way more during the day.  What to do?

2)  Possibly separation anxiety at 12 months and reintroducing him back to daycare might cause more NWs?

3)  We had DS sleeping between us during his illness because he had 7 days of 40C fever.  We managed to get him back to his cot by having a mattress next to his cot.  He had 1 night sleeping from 7pm - 7.30am with no wakings and I thought all is well.  But he fights naps even before his illness.  For 3 days, I only managed to get him to nap around 15-25 mins for the entire day!  I just can't figure it out.

he's also in the 2-1 transition..

Sorry for the long post.  I have got so sick also the whole period and still am very sick.  With no sleep, I just feel so weak to be able to do anything. 

The most urgent issue for us now is to eliminate the 4 night bottles (I can handle 2 but not more.)  Anyone has had experience with recovery appetite this HUGE?  Is this really normal?  He's also drinking his bottle extremely slow these days.  At first we thought he was only suckling for comfort as he's ill.  He used to down a 240ml bottle in 7 mins flat.  Now he takes a 100ml bottle probably in 15mins.  That's why the night feedings became so impossible for me to get any sleep.  Is it normal that after illness DS loses suckling strength?  I also wonder if the teats are too old and soft but wouldn't old soft teats be easier to suck?  We thought the NWs was habitual and started diluting and he only woke up sooner for more bottles.  I tried not to feed and held him to see if he would fall asleep, he stayed whining for an hour, then i gave him a bottle, he resettled in his bed right after! 

Does anyone have any suggestions or experience?

Offline jordiwes

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Oh poor you guys! It sounds like you've had a very rough time of it.
If it were me, I would tackle the bottles first. You might want to even wait a couple of more nights with lots of daytime feeding (and lots of protein before bed) and see what happens.
But it could be that your DS is using the bottles to self settle. You might want to try water, or just holding him to gradually wean him to 3 then 2 then 1 then no bottles each night.
You'll have even less sleep for a few nights but it will be worth it. The gradual weaning link should be helpful for this as well.

Offline *Becky*

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Wow - I really feel for you. Hugs hun....
Yes I would tackle the bottles too - go for it and stay strong. It will be so worth it xxx

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Offline koe2moe

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Thanks both of you!  I managed to get a big lunch in and dinner was always good with DS but he almost didn't take his night bottle.. :(  We'll see if that helps tonight.  In addition to the puzzle, he's starting new at daycare and not really eating much there.  Next 2 days I have to go to class (exams next week) and that's why DS needs to be at daycare.  He isn't used to it yet so I can imagine his loss of appetite there.  I'm not sure if I can convince the ladies there to keep feeding him.  

If I use diluted bottles/water to wean him, does it mean he might wake even more often as he wasn't filled?  I'm asking this just to be prepared.  Because like I said, we used diluted bottle, then he woke 30mins later again.  He did take his bottles last night but still 4 times, I guess coz he was at daycare not eating much.  

It's difficult to make the decision whether to wean now or after the exams but it will mean full 10 days later... i might have collapsed by that point or just wean now and collapse sooner? :P  

Last night was yet again strange that DS first slept 4h, then woke up for 1st bottle and downed it all and happily settled himself in his bed.  I didn't even need to stay by the cot.  Then he woke 3h later and DH gave a bottle and he finished and didn't cry for more and settled himself again.  Then 1h later, he cried and DH thought he was just fed, it couldn't be hunger.  After trying to settle him down for 30mins or so, we decided to try for a bottle and he took 100ml more.  2.5h later he woke and that's 7:30. 

By that point of that third bottle, I was so wide awake I couldn't go back to sleep. But I had one stretch of 3 hours sleep last night, not 3 hours in total.  When DS woke, I just started our day and let DH sleep.  I got so tired that I just sat there and couldn't stop crying.  DS was looking at me and trying to make funny faces to cheer me up.  Thanks for listening.  hugzz
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 21:25:06 pm by koe2moe »

Offline *Becky*

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oh honey - so many hugs to you. I cannot imagine how exhausted you must be feeling. I don't have the answers about the bottles tbh as if he has been ill I guess he might need them but you do need to wean at some point. Bumping this up for you so a moderator can help xxx

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Offline Peek-a-boo

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Hi there--

I'm guessing that there may have been increased hunger for a few nights after the illness, but I'd guess that by this point it's really habit and not need.  The frequency of his waking and the relatively small amounts he's taking really make it seem more like habit and a prop issue than genuine hunger. 

I think you need to wait to tackle this until you can fully commit to it.  If you want to be gradual, you might first try diluting the bottles for a few night to help him shift his calories to day time.  At the point that you're ready to really tackle it though, I'd pick a sleep training method (check out this thread: and implement it with consistency. 

HTH :)

Offline koe2moe

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Dear all
Thanks for your hugs and encouragement.  We have good news to share.  After my last post, DS had for 2 nights several night wakings but didn't need a bottle and we got him to resettle by just telling him it's bedtime.  Then the third and fourth nights (which were last 2 nights) slept through till 5:30 and 5:50 respectively. 
I think we are not there yet.  He was very hungry at 5:xx but was still very tired.  Both mornings as DH and I are both still ill, we had DS in our bed as he was wide awake.  Suddenly at 7, DS would just roll over and fall asleep!!! 
Is it possible that he's still OT from the illness, etc?  He seems just so tired. 
Probably need to start another post on tweaking his A times soon.
Thanks again :)

Offline Peek-a-boo

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So glad thingss are getting better!  Honestly, as much time as has passed, I doubt he's still tired from his illness.