Yes, after last night, I believe it is a pacifier issue. She went down at 7, up at 10:30, 1:30, 3:00, 4:15, and 6:30. We fed her at 6:30 because it was more of a hunger cry. But every other time, as soon as I put her pacifier back in, she went right back to sleep. I'm also not convinced she wants her pacifier as much as she wants something to suck and her hands aren't satisfying her quite yet because her control isn't 100% there yet. She still flails and can't keep them in her mouth for any extended time. I have this feeling that once she has control over her hands, she'll be fine and will better be able to self soothe. DH and I talked about it, and we are going to get rid of it at 4 months, possibly cold turkey. I would wean but she only uses for naps and bedtime use while in her crib anyway. Otherwise she doesn't use it/"ask" for it.