This is my first post....and write in the hope of getting some advice!
My little boy is almost 14 months old. He has never been a brilliant sleeper, but we go through phases of sleeping through the night etc. Recently (last 2 or 3 months), my son has become very restless in the evening....I often here him cry out, but then he goes back to sleep. He then wakes two or three times a night...often standing in his cot, screaming. In desperation, we often bring my son into bed with us as he seems to sleep soundly there....which then allows us to get some much needed sleep.
We have got into bad habits of rocking him to sleep in our arms....and by bringing him into our bed we are only making the situation worse!! But at 2am....when sleep deprived, all rationality goes out the window!!
I would really appreciate some guidance on how to get out of these bad habits so that we all get proper sleep. My son has always struggled with teething and has just had two more pop through. I think teething and illness is what prompted me to rock him to sleep...and we haven't been able to break the habit! My son now knows that I will be there to settle him and get him to sleep.
So, I think I know what Ive done wrong...but don't know how to fix it! HELP!!!
Our typical routine (sometimes varies) is as follows:
7am wake. 240ml bottle of milk and play/books in our bed.
8.30am Breakfast followed by getting dressed and play/go out.
10am snack and drink
11.30am Lunch
12-1.30 ish Nap (Unless very tired, I rock him to sleep)
2pm snack and drink
4pm Dinner
6pm Bath/bed routine....story, massage, milk etc.
6.30-7pm Bed (depending on how easy he is to settle...sometimes wont go to sleep until 9pm)
Look forward to ANY advice!
Thanks in advance,
Alicia. x