my son nursed til he was about 20 months and during that time he woke up a lot. it wasn't until i stopped nursing and got through a period where he continued crying when he woke up bc he didn't understand the new routine....we sat with him until he learned a different routine....babies are dependent on routine and associations, so if he associates sleep with boob, you have to give him a different association...but be careful, we ended up patting to sleep and then he could only sleep with we had to go through another round of breaking habit and crying...with my first son we used baby whisperer pick up put down when i stopped breastfeeding (he was up every 2 hours to feed until age 18 mos), i kissed and hugged and explained that he was safe and then laid him down and every time he cried i picked him up again and comforted again, until he fell asleep. first night it took one hour maybe more and pick up every 2 minutes then he fell asleep. he only woke up once and took 15 minutes of pick up put down. the next night it took 15 minutes and he slept through the night. never looked back! was amazing. with second son was much much harder so the personality of the infant/toddler makes a huge difference. if i i remember the bw theories, its easier with a textbook baby. good luck you can do it! it could be difficult for a night or 3 or 7, but then you can start getting your life back and she will sleep better too!