Alex is 16mo but has always had long A times for his age, so thought I would post...
6.45ish (15 mins either way) wake- the kids come into our room & have milk, he has it from a sippy and has about 4-6oz usually
then we get dressed by 8am
on nursery days we are out the door at 7.55 and the kids have b'fast there. But the food/ sleep routine is pretty much the same as at home, so..
8amish breakfast - usually a bowl of cereal, weetabix, porridge etc. He has a huge handful of cheerios to snack on while I am getting breakfast ready. Then toast after. Usually eats half a slice. Sunday morning he ate 2 weetabix and a whole slice

9.30-10am small snack. I have to be careful with snacks as if Sophie snacks too much she is difficult at meal times, but I can't give Alex one and not her. Usually it's fruit at this time, usually an apple or pear, cut up and they share it 2/3 Sophie & 1/3 Alex
1130amish lunch. Usually a cold lunch, sandwich or wrap, chunks of cheese, veggies like cucumber or pepper strips, some crisps perhaps. I find a little bit of a few things goes down better than one big sandwich, kwim? Then a yoghurt or fruit for pudding
12.15ish nap. If he has woken late (7.30) in the morning then nap can be nearer 1pm, if he has done a EW (5.30am- but rare) then I put him down by 11.45. He will sleep for as long as I let him, he is a great napper and I usually have to wake him. I tend to let him have 2hour, he mostly wakes around 2.30pm
2.30pm snack- He has to have something substantial between 2 & 3 or he is hysterical by 4pm. This varies depending on how organised I am and whther I have been shopping for some nice snack things, or whether I have not, and then he has a piece of cheese and some toast/ banana/ biscuit/ sausage roll (he loves them)/ scotch egg (ditto) etc
5pm dinner- a hot meal. You won't believe how much he eats, he can really put it away. Hot meal can be anything, pasta with bolognaise/ cheesey sauce, salmon, chicken, sausages, potatoes, veg, baked beans, fish pie, etc etc. I always do loads of veg as he will just keep picking at it while he is waiting for me to get his yoghurt for pudding
6pm up the stairs & run the bath., I give him his milk at this point, he carries his sippy around like a handbag and generally has about 3-4oz before his bath and the rest once he is in his jammies
6.15pm in the bath
6.35pm out the bath & jammies on
6.50pm in bed & asleep by 7