When you say crying in his sleep, is he actually waking? If not, then that doesn't count as a NW really. Also, why don't you think it is teeth? Does he have his molars yet? Have you tried medicating just to see if he sleeps better? Monday into Tuesday isn't too bad, even though you do have an EW. But he didn't get a lot of sleep on Tuesday. Hmmm... I am not sure if maybe he is a little OT now. You definitely had a rough night on Wednesday. I am wondering if a really early cat nap will help and then a nice longer 2nd nap. The screaming makes me wonder if it is teeth. That is the only time we have screaming in the middle of the night. Also, when my LO is teething, we will get those cries in his sleep where he is not really awake, but he is crying out.