My ds has started waking 1.5-2 hours aprox after bedtime fully recharged and ready to go like he just had a nap. Until he has his full 2-2.5 hours activity he won't go back to sleep. My husband and I need our evenings back! Suggestions for changes to schedule appreciated.
Bad mama notes:
Still pacifier propped (wakes once a night for paci- and then right back to sleep)
Still swaddled, we are having a very difficult time transitioning him although the swaddle is getting looser
Amazing napper- goes right down to sleep
Late waker- I get him up at 8 but he would sleep until 9 if I let him
Since Christmas szometimes middle of night waking too difficult to calm and ends up in bed with me
When he cries we go in pick up and put down but it very rarely works
8am formula (6oz)
8:15 activity
9am solids
9:10 quiet activity
10am sleep
11:30 solids
1145 activity
12:30 formula (6oz)
12:45 quiet activity
2:00 sleep
3:30 formula (6oz)
3:45 activity
5:00 solids
6:30 bath
6:45 book
7pm formula (6oz)
715pm bedtime
8:30pm BABY AWAKE!!!!!! will not sleep until 10:00-11pm
(1/2 the time) 2:00am wakes up crying inconsolably comes to bed with me