Hi There,
I would be so so grateful if someone may be able to shed some light on why my daughters naps have gone so wonky the last 2 days.
She is a textbook/touchy baby and i had loads of problems with overtiredness in the beginning before i discovered BW (at 8 weeks old) which i have to say saved our lives! since discovering this forum things have improved even more, from getting tips from other people's post such as HTTJ and how to do shush pat properly (i was putting her down too early or too late and couldnt figure out what was wrong!). since about 10weeks old she's settled herself to sleep at BT (just give her a kiss, tuck in and leave) and had DF at 10.30ish then up at betwen 2-4 and up for the day 6-7.30ish. perfect!
because she is quite touchy and doesn't "switch off" easily i've had to keep quite strict with A time and she was pretty much on the dot of max 90mins (with a good 20-25min wind down) but recently she's been able to handle more A time (adding that to the low-stimulation stuff) and managing to do 1hr 45 of A time and with HTTJ around 1h 30 - 2hr naps!
the last 2 days have been really strange and i cant figure out whats different but she has basically been impossible to settle for 3rd nap, screaming/crying when trying to get her to sleep, but when i gave up after her being awake 2-2.5 hours she was fine, not crying, so we just did feed then bath then bed... but then although she's not crying as much she's clearly a bit OT as she keeps waking after 20mins or so and i needed to go in and shush pat her back to sleep (not for too long) but then last night she woke at 9.30pm for a feed (seemed genuinely hungry) and still took most of her DF at 10.30 then didnt take a feed til 5am
which is great! but i wondered whether her being unsettled could be down to a growth spurt?? or does she just not need this nap ( i
cant beleive that as she has been sooo dependent on this routine for keeping her happy and settled why would she suddenly not need it anymore?!)
we are combination feeding as i struggled a lot with BF ( she fights the breast, kicks her legs and cries when feeding but takes a bottle of EBM or formula easily). i find her generally not interested in feeding for the first half of the day i have to practically force feed her but the last couple days she's been starving when supposed to be napping, and yesterday then slept longer than usual in the night which was great, but because she took so much so close together she was really sick. (she is quite a sicky baby anyway and i've wondered abt reflux too... )
sorry for so many questions/issues! i am just really worried about the routine going off and getting into OT hell once again!!
here is what's happened the last 2 days...
Awake 7/7.30??
E: 7.30 (BF)
S: 8.45 (awake at 45min? up after 60m) - didnt do HTTJ
E: 10.30 (BF then 3oz formula)
S: 11.30-1.30 (settled early due to short first nap) did HTTJ
E: 1.30 (BF and small amt FF)
S: 3.00- 4.00 (in car)
E: 4pm (v short BF)
4.30 (v short BF)
5.15 tried to settle for nap. felt sure she must be tired, kept dropping off then waking until offered bottle to try AP to sleep and she guzzled down 8oz formula (i felt so guilty)
S: 6.30-7.00 (in my arms)
7.00: bath
7.30: Bottle
S: 8pm
woke at 9.30 (BF) and seemed hungry
DF: 10.30 took 5oz formula
woke at 5am for BF.
Awake 7.30am
E: 8.15 (BF and FF)
S: 9.15-10.45 (did HTTJ)
E: 11.00 and 12.00 (BF and small amt formula)
S: 12.30-2.30 (did HTTJ)
E: tried to feed at 3pm not interested in BF or FF
tried again 4pm took 2oz formula
S: 4.00-4.30 (in car)
E: 5oz FF
tried to settle between 5.30-6.00, only crying when trying to get her to sleep. also tried leaving her in cot she just gurgled.
6.00: Bath
6.30: Bottle
7.00: Bed (no tears/ v little settling needed)
woke needing shush pat a 7.20 and 7.40 (OT??!)
should i be worrying?! does she just not need much sleep now??!
Any advice would be v gratefully received
Anna x