Author Topic: When to move to a big bed?  (Read 645 times)

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Offline tassie

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When to move to a big bed?
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:05:19 am »
My LO will be 19mths when her little sibbling will arrive.  Most advice I have had is to get her into a big bed a month or so before baby arrives, but I can't help but think this is too young.  When is an appropriate time to move into a big bed?  What signs do you look for that they are ready / not ready?

I'd also appreciate some opinions on whether we should just get too cots to make life easier, or a bassinet plus a cot (which will only give us a few extra months before the transition).  I'm not really sure what to do!

Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: When to move to a big bed?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2010, 03:19:50 am »
I would buy a second cot--no question.  I do think it depends a great deal on your LO's temperament and there are a few LOs who successful transition out of a crib at 18 months, but they are very much the minority.  Your LO is going to have a huge adjustment and you are going to have a little baby giving you sleepless nights, the last thing you need is a 19 month old with a sudden sibling-inspired sleep regression who can get up and run around her room. 

The general recommendation that I read, and what I think Tracy says in BWSAYP is not to transition out of the crib until age two.  My DS was 2.5 when my DD was born and we tried transitioning him to a crib just after age 2 and it was a disaster.  He's spirited and was never a great napper and if we'd persisted with the transition we have had an OT monster on our hands who in all likelihood would have dropped his nap right then.  As it was, we went back to the crib, bought a second crib for DD so there was no pressure.  He had a really difficult time adjusting to his sister in general and I'm very glad we didn't push him out of his comfort zone sooner.  Eventually he initiated the transition when he was a few months past age three. 

I did feel a bit silly buying a second crib especially as he was over 2, but with his personality it was definitely the right choice.  Plus, it's worked out well because I accidentally got pregnant and #3 will arrive when DD is just 23 months.  With her personality, I think she would be more likely to handle an early transition relatively well, but she sleeps well in her crib and I'd rather stick with what works than push her--so glad we still have the 2 cribs from last time. :)

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: When to move to a big bed?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2010, 16:58:36 pm »
We had our girls 23 months apart and bought a second crib for Spencer. Masyn ended up going into a BGB at 2.5, and I really don't think I would have had sleep issues doing it sooner, I just didn't want her to think the baby took her crib. Fast forward to Spencer at 16 months, and due to a crib recall I decided to just convert her crib to a toddler bed. She still has not realized she can get out! but, she doesn't have a new sibling on the way to rock her world and it is the same bed, just with the side off. Masyn's crib now has a new home at my sister's for her little boy and if we did have a third Spencer can keep her toddler bed to herself!