So, I went from needing an opinion for pondering thoughts, to being in trouble & needing help..
We seem to be in lots of trouble, although just a couple of days ago we were in such a good state, I just had a feeling this would happen, as I'm due back to work next week & it only makes sense for my last week off to suck...
, anyhow, this is how our day went & I'll summarize in terms if As & naps:
up @ 08.00, let him sleep in as we had a 1.5hr NW due to coughing
S: 11.30, this is the A that I was considering to push, but decided not to as he had had a tough night, he went down easily & was ok & playing till the end of the A
up @ 12.00...!!!!, when he woke up he was pretty hot, the weather is crazy here & I don't know what to dress him in or what to cover him up with..!..there was also poop, so don't know what woke him up , anyhow I couldn't extend the nap & he was very playful
I then decided to try to extend the next A to 03.30 & see what happens, did that, he went down like a breeze, only to wake up after 53 mins...!!!...the same things had happened, he was hot & had pooped, but happy to be up & playful..! the next A was a total of 03.10 & I think this is where I messed up because he slept for only 25ish mins & was up again, he was a little warm, so removed some clothing & for the next 2hrs he was on & off sleep..
...I do think this is OT because of the last portion of the day 'cause it's happened a couple of time before, dh just took him out, the plan is to keep him with us for 20~30 mins, then I take him in, start wind down again & hopefully he'll sleep this time, it's almost 10 PM here...
...I'm of course worried that we'll probably have a NW due to his cold/teething again..
So, what do you think?..what do I do?..