Hi there and welcome! Deeeeep breath......
OK, a couple questions:
Have you started solids yet? (some have by now, some haven't, just trying to work out if it's part of the picture)
How long is he awake before you put him down for his first nap? And how long does he sleep once he's down?
It might be teething, in which case you might try some Infant pain reliever 20 minutes or so before sleep time and see if it makes a difference; if that helps, you know you're on to something, although it also might be an ear infection.
If possible, can you post an approximate schedule, just when he wakes for the day, when he eats, and when he sleeps and how long, something like this:
Awake and Eat: 7AM
S: 9AM
A: 10AM
or whatever your particular schedule is most days.
Oh, and try to turn off your Caps Lock key.
It's easier for me to read without all-caps. No worries, lots of BW's will be by shortly to have a look, and the more info you can give, the easier it'll be to sort out what might be the problem.