Here I'm back again. Below is his tricky two days of 3hrs E.A.S.Y. I tried to keep him stay on my breast for the 3 hrs E.
Wake up and E: 7:10
A: 7:25-9:00
S:8:55-10:30 (he would be closing his eyes at 8:40 but I found he was suffering from diarrhea thus took another 10 mins to change diaper)
E: 10:30
S:12:00-12:40 woke up peacefully and smiled, did not want to get back to sleep
A: 12:40-14:35
S: 14:35-16:00 Woke up in 30 mins and get him back sleep from 15:25-16:00
E: 16:00
E & B: 20:00
Then he woke up every 20-30 mins but he looked not so hard to get back to sleep every time he woke up. After DF he woke up at 12:30, 3:30, 5:00 and fed to settle him
Then the next day:
Woke up and E: 7:00
A: 7:15-8:30
A:10:10-11:45 I watched very carefully for his tired cues and found he was not tired after 1:40 A time but I thought I'd better get him to sleep
S:11:45-12:40 woke up after 50 mins sleep, then another put down but did not want to get back to sleep
A: actually started from 12:40-14:35
S: 14:35-16:07 woke up after 42 mins, and had managed to get him back to sleep
CN: two 15 mins until 18:15
E & B: 19:40
Woke up at: 20:20,21:20, 22:00 not settled even after fed at 22:00, and then 02:50, 04:30 fed to sleep and woke up at 6: 15 and did not sleep again
The night wakings after mid-night happend again when I get back to 3 hrs E.A.S.Y. During his transition to 3.5 hrs even though his naps were bad and nights before mid-night was awful he always could sleep through after DF at 22:00 and he would directly go back to sleep after waking at 3:00-5:00. But now he would fussed after I fed him after mid-night and needs hold to sleep for a while.
Is it a sign showing that he actually needs transition? And if he did, because he had go through the transition can I jump to the 3: 10, 3: 20 or 3: 30 E.A.S.Y directly?
And his multiple wakings after mid-night may also due to his diarrhea these two days because he seemed hungry every time he woke up. I will pump 100-130ml more today to feed him to see what would happen tonight.