Thanks Becky
DS1 was touchy/textbook and the few minutes really made a difference to his routine! He was a very independent boy though. He hated shh/pat and one day I walked out of his room in frustration and he went to sleep, just like that. Turns out he didn't want me trying to help him get to sleep, he wanted to do it by himself.
New DS2 is a whole different kettle of fish. We've tried numerous strategies which all don't seem to work. I'm really reluctant to use a dummy because it may become a prop (it did for DS1 and scarred me for life!) and also because DS2 rejects it often and it doesn't seem to work consistently for him. That said, sometimes I think I'd LOVE a prop...something, anything, that will guarantee he goes to sleep!!
Anyway, he's in for nap 1 now with the least fuss ever. Nap one has only once been longer than 45min. So I expect him up any minute! We put him on his tummy, body swaddled and arms out. He's caught a cold from DS1 and is very snotty and blocked up, so tummy seemed idea. He was asleep within 10mins. However, he started stirring this morning at 6:30am, fed at 6:55, in bed by 8:10. So he will wake VERY early for his 10am feed if he does the expected 45min nap. How do I resettle when he hates shh/pat and it works him up more?
Our routine is:
E 7am
S 8:15ish but sometimes he's still mantraing with 15 min gaps at 9/9:30
E 10am
S 11:15 (surprisingly he's wide awake for this feed and has a *long* awake time gien that he's had crappy morning nap)
E 1pm (often difficult to wake here...lots of poking, wet cloths etc)
S 2:10ish (often very tired in arvo...never seems to fully wake from naps)
E 4pm (nightmare to wake him here, with the exception of yesterday when he mantraed until 3:30pm from his last nap before sleeping)
S 5:15 AP a catnap in rocker/Maya wrap for around 45min
E 6:10pm
S 7pm, often mantras on and off for 1/2 hr.
E 10pm DF...very difficult to get him to feed. End up stripping him off, wet cloths etc, still just rouses him and he doesn't wake
And last night he woke with burpy pain at 11:50 - DH burped him and he mantraed back to sleep. Then fed 2:20, then stirred at 6:30am. Night before fed 3am, then 7am.
Thanks Becky. I'm at my wits end. Yesterday's napping was horrid. Thanks for your help.
Ah, that's him awake now from a 45. Boo!