Author Topic: EW - please help to adjust the routine...  (Read 1088 times)

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Offline IrinaSh

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EW - please help to adjust the routine...
« on: May 17, 2010, 06:33:23 am »
DS is 1 yo (tomorrow). He started waking up earlier and earlier for the last 1.5 mo. He used to sleep 7pm-7am, but now it's all over the place. I tried to extend his A time but it didn't seem to fix the issue. Here is his routine:

5.30 or 6ish - wake up, take bottle
7.30 breakfast
10 -11am Nap (the earlier he wakes up the longer he tends to sleep to catch up on his night sleep, but I try not to let him go beyond one hr)
12 pm lunch
3-4 pm Nap
6 pm dinner
7 pm bedtime.

THe problem is, sometimes his naps go a bit longer then 1 hr and then he is not tired enough at 7 (especially if he sleeps after 4 pm) and he ends up falling asleep at 7.30 or so. So his day is longer then 12 hrs no matter what I do.
I just need some advice about what to do with his schedule. I know that shortening naps may help the issue some, but he wakes up SO grumpy if I wake him up!!! I hate doing it, because I have a 2 yo DD that also demands a lot of attention.

Oh, and sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and takes a bottle. on the days he wakes up at 4 am and takes a full bottle, he sleeps in until 7.30, and then our days are even weirder... I know I shouldn't give him that bottle, but sometimes the desire to sleep is stronger then common sense!

Appreciate any input.

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Re: EW - please help to adjust the routine...
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2010, 03:55:20 am »
Bumping you up
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline momtonb&ab

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Re: EW - please help to adjust the routine...
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2010, 19:06:07 pm »
Hi Irina

sorry we missed this......

could you tell us a bit more about his eating habits?  it almost sounds to me like there are two issues here - one is that his naps/bedtime need tweaking but it seems to me that he may be waking up hungry.  as you say, if he wakes at 4 for that bottle then he is sleeping until it sounds like he is hungry. 

let's have a look at his eating in combination with his sleep and see where we get.

i would say for sure that you need to either shorten the morning nap, or if he is continually waking early then consider leaving hte morning nap longer and shortening the afternoon nap.  either way, an hour of sleep around four is guaranteed to affect his night sleep at this age IMO.....

we will do our best to sort it out!! 

Offline IrinaSh

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Re: EW - please help to adjust the routine...
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2010, 10:00:09 am »
This guy eats more then us... definitely more then his 2 year old sister.. :) I started him on whole milk several weeks ago and he takes about 12-17 oz of it a day (about 5-6 oz before his bedtime). He has full breakfast at 8, lunch at 12 and snack after his afternoon nap and then dinner at 6 pm. For dinner he would eat peas, big chunk of chicken, a small bowl of pasta, a whole kiwi, sometimes a cracker and water and then take his 5-6 oz of milk about 30-40 minutes after the dinner. He is a little eating monster! (and has always been, but he is not overweight - only 10 kg!).

I started limiting his am nap to not more then 45 minutes and his EW got a bit better - it's 6 am now, instead of 5.30! :) and he hasn't been up for the last 3 nights, which was nice. And for a couple of days he woke up at 6, I didn't come to him right away and he quieted down after crying for 4-5 minutes - I don't know if he actually fell back asleep or just played quietly in his crib (I didn't want to risk waking him up by checking on him). But those two days were really screwed up schedule-wise because he took his am nap from 11-11.45 and then pm nap from 3.45-4.30...

Thank you for your help!

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Offline momtonb&ab

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Re: EW - please help to adjust the routine...
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2010, 11:12:39 am »
So glad things are looking up.   Sounds like a shorter morning nap is working.   We have big eaters here too - it always astounds me how much they can put in those little bellies!!!

Come back if you think we can help at all going forward.  Good job sorting it out!