DS is 1 yo (tomorrow). He started waking up earlier and earlier for the last 1.5 mo. He used to sleep 7pm-7am, but now it's all over the place. I tried to extend his A time but it didn't seem to fix the issue. Here is his routine:
5.30 or 6ish - wake up, take bottle
7.30 breakfast
10 -11am Nap (the earlier he wakes up the longer he tends to sleep to catch up on his night sleep, but I try not to let him go beyond one hr)
12 pm lunch
3-4 pm Nap
6 pm dinner
7 pm bedtime.
THe problem is, sometimes his naps go a bit longer then 1 hr and then he is not tired enough at 7 (especially if he sleeps after 4 pm) and he ends up falling asleep at 7.30 or so. So his day is longer then 12 hrs no matter what I do.
I just need some advice about what to do with his schedule. I know that shortening naps may help the issue some, but he wakes up SO grumpy if I wake him up!!! I hate doing it, because I have a 2 yo DD that also demands a lot of attention.
Oh, and sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and takes a bottle. on the days he wakes up at 4 am and takes a full bottle, he sleeps in until 7.30, and then our days are even weirder... I know I shouldn't give him that bottle, but sometimes the desire to sleep is stronger then common sense!
Appreciate any input.