DS is 17 months. I wish I could tell you how long this has been going on, but I can't remember. Maybe 2 weeks, maybe a month? It doesn't happen very often, maybe every few days, like 1-2 times a week.
So every so often, he will just cry hard, but it's very brief. Like a minute or two. It's the kind of cry that says "I need you" kind of similar to when he was dropping his lovey out of the crib. He doesn't even ramp up to it, just screams and tapers off. He's quiet, or quieting down on his own before I can get to him. Tonight it happened about 20 minutes after putting him to bed, but it will sometimes happen around 10 or 11, or sometimes 3AM.
I've never actually checked on him when it happens. I am terrified that he is awake and I will get him upset by going in. When I go in after I'm sure he's asleep, he still has his lovey and everything is well.
Only new things I can think of is a little shyness, like hiding behind my leg, even sometimes around DH, but I think that might be for attention. No new teeth that I can tell. He's actually been napping well and consistently for probably the first time in his life

It's just so weird, I'm not sure what to make of it.