thanks Wendy heheh DS was born with a full head of hair really nice as if we paid for a very expensive haircut
the diarrhea lasted one full day (5 or 6 times) and then with bananas and rice, it was over. phew... it could be something he ate also. It was a daycare day... u know, can't always stop them putting things in their mouth. Saliva is nonstop now. no other symptoms yet. The molars caused double ear infection and 40C fever for a week here
That was really rough. Two molars cut through within that week!
As this thread started out about the NWs and bottles, those were gone and DS was sleeping till 7:10am with no NWs. (After my silly 5:30 w2s
) The routine then was:
7:10 A
12:30 S 2h
2:30 A
7:15-7:45 S
Sometimes DS got tired (from daycare) so might take his nap earlier. In fact last Sunday he fell asleep in the car at 12:30, got home about 1pm and brought him in, he was wide awake.. walking home himself and then i changed him and he acted tired and i asked him if he wanted "sleepy time" and he did. Then he slept 2h30 from 1:15 or so. My gut feeling is that the EW is habitual, perhaps first related to hunger. Always the same hunger issue with DS. This morning he was just wide awake and not really crying for milk. Once he saw me, he was happy staying in his cot playing. But I can tell that he's tired, not very good coordination, etc. Dropped a lid of a pot on his toes and scraped skin off 2 toes
still crying now