This all began a couple of days ago when DD learned that she can get up out of her toddler bed and come out of her room when she wakes. She has been sleeping in a toddler bed since 18 months with no problems whatsoever, and would stay in her room and talk to herself and play until I came to get her.
Now...she pops right up out of bed and comes on out to say "hi"

Which isn't a problem, but the past couple mornings she has been waking early between 5:45am and 6:15am when normally she sleeps until 7-7:30am. Also, her nap is closer to 1hr or 1hr 20 min, when I could get her to sleep for about 2.5 to 3hrs before.
Is this just a "milestone" type of thing, or what do I need to change? She woke up so early this morning and took such a sort nap already today, that by bedtime tonight she's going to be totally spent! I would GREATLY appreciate any advice that you wonderful moms have to offer! Thanks in advance

Oh, and this is what her typical day looks like...
Wake: 7-7:30am
Nap: 12-12:30pm (will sleep between 2-3hrs)
Bathtime/wind-down: 6:30pm
Bedtime: 7pm