My son has always been a pretty good sleeper -- last 6 months he goes to bed at 7:30-8Pm and wakes up around 7am and take a 2 hour nap right after lunch. However, in this last week his sleep has gone very badly and I'm not sure if its attributable to him adjusting to a new dayhome or the fact that just this past week he learned to crawl out of his crib ----or both.
It started when my dayhome lady said last week he only slept 30 minutes (instead of usual 2 hr) because he crawled out of his playpen. She tried putting him back to sleep but he would just crawl out again. My husband and I are expecting baby number #2 but were not planning the big boy bed transition until next month -- but his suddenly ability to climb out has us being concerned for his safety. He then started climbing out of his crib every night for the past 4 days this past week. We would try and put him back in his crib and he would just go hysterical and scream and climb right back out. Several times when we woke up in the morning we found him laying on the floor by the door sleeping so we assumed he slept on the floor all night. And everyday last week at the dayhome my dayhome provider said he has only slept 30-40 minutes MAX for his nap. She eventually moved him to sleep on the couch or a mat on the floor because she too was concerned for his safety crawling out of the playpen.
So last night we put him in his big boy bed. He went to bed easily and when we heard him stir in the morning around 7pm we found him laying on the floor again near the door. So this afternoon we put him down for his afternoon nap for the first time in his big boy bed and he screamed when we put him in his bed and slept again for only 30 minutes before he woke up hysterically crying.
Why is all of this happening -- he is not even getting near the recommended sleep for his age and it has me very concerned. Is this a stage they go through? He is definitely not ready to give up his naps. I'm also attributing it to him adjusting to his new dayhome which he has only been at for 2 weeks now. He is not even 2 yet and sleeping 30 minutes all day really concerns me as he is an absolute BEAR come dinner time. This has been going on for exactly 1 week now. He also seems very clingy and scared to be put down since he started being able to crawl out of this crib. We try soothing him, laying down next to him to help him fall back to sleep but nothing works. Please tell me this gets better? Any suggestions? Is it also normal for them to want to sleep on the floor next to the door rather than in their bed?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Carter's mom