Author Topic: Starting EASY for 4 week old that stays awake too long  (Read 843 times)

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Offline ryeslady

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Starting EASY for 4 week old that stays awake too long
« on: May 26, 2010, 02:07:39 am »
Hi there! I used EASY with my 1st son (now 16 months old) and even though I've done it before I feel like I don't remember how I did it! So I just wanted to get some pointers to refresh my memory. Thaks for al your help! I feel like I don't even know where to start. I wanted to do EASY from the begining, but it never happened on its own (surprise!) and now 4 weeks later I know I have fallen into some AP traps. I don't have times - I started writing this stuff down, but with a toddler running around I've gotten out of it and ned to start again - but this is the general idea:

We get up in the morning around 7. DS2 usually stays awake until DS1 goes down for his nap, usually 10 or 11. I , know this is way too long for him to be awake, but I can't get him to sleep during this time. I don't know if it's too loud or if because DS1 is up I don't have the resources to get him to sleep, but I can usually get him to sleep soon after DS1. Sometimes he naps better in the afternoon, sometimes he doesn't. Today he only slept 1/2 hour in the car between 1 and 6. He was sooo tired and fussy but I just could not get him to fall asleep. Once DS1 went to bed DH and I got him to sleep and he woke up twice before we got him to sleep for good the 3rd time. I wonder if reflux is an issue and plan on talking to the ped. at his checkup on Friday. I know there are times when he's tired but I feed (he's BF) him because that's the only thing that will get him to stop crying and the only way I can get him to sleep. I hate it becaue I know I'm not doing the right thing, but I don't know what else to do.

I usually end up nursing him to sleep, which is not what I planned on doing, it's just that I usually can't get him to sleep and end up doing that because it's the only thing that will work. I plan on starting shh/pat this Saurday since I will have a 3 day stretch with DH home to help with DS1. That's another issue.

So my big problems with not knowing where to start are:

1. Can't get him to sleep when he's tired

2. Multiple feeds during A time since it's so long and many times that's all that will calm him (trying not use paci)

3. Nursing to sleep

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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Re: Starting EASY for 4 week old that stays awake too long
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 12:29:08 pm »
It is all just mega OT isn't it? And it is great that you have noticed that there will be a prop issue developing here.

The upset and frequent BFs will start to cause issues as well , I think. Some LOs genuinely do need to suck for comfort at this age and your LO may NEED a paci in the short term. Tracy recommends them over using very frequent feeds as she felt they were easier to wean later.

Have you tried mega short A times - like only 45 mins and then back down for a sleep? What time do you usually try for the first nap?

Are you using the nursery in the dark and swaddled etc?

I know all this is a different game with a toddler around but if you can perhaps try one nap a day in the crib to start the process off?

Have you thought of white noise if you think the noise from DS1 is an issue?

Offline ryeslady

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Re: Starting EASY for 4 week old that stays awake too long
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2010, 15:24:54 pm »
Thank you for your help!

I've been paying really close attention and it seems that DS needs A times of 30-45 minutes - very short! I did start to swaddle him and have used a paci here and there. I really don't want to, but it seems that I keep using it more and more.

I am trying to get one nap in the crib a day but have not been successful yet. I did get several naps in the pack n play/playpen and that is similar to the crib so I hope that helps. Yesterday really went pretty well for the first 3 naps then the 4th was a mess because my mom came over and I didn't get him to sleep fast enough I think. But it can't all happen in one day, right?

As far as the paci, when it falls out before he falls asleep what do I do then? I feel like if I just put it back in I am creating a prop, but if I don't give it back en he cries and its like starting all over again.

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Re: Starting EASY for 4 week old that stays awake too long
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2010, 20:53:44 pm »
Hey there hun, about the paci, it wouldn't become a prop till about 4 or 5 months, so if you're aware enough you can wean it before that happens, but I do believe that it helps babies satisfy that suckling reflex and from my experience with ds, it took him some time to get the hang of keeping it in his mouth.

I'd only suggest doing a nice wind down, may be follow Tracy's 4S routine, here's a link about it:

So, how are things now?
Adam's Mum