Hi Everyone, I have been reading all the threads on this topic and implementing various suggests, but nothing is working. I would love some fresh eyes and any suggestions you might have.
Background: DS is nearly 14 months old. He is textbook with a little bit of touchy. We have been using the BW since he was 4 weeks old and have loved it!! He does still have a pacifier.
About a month ago he began fooling around for his am nap, which was very strange and surprising. So I began to increase his A time to be sure he wasn't UT. He was sleeping approx 1hr for am and 1.5-2hrs for pm nap. Within the last 4 weeks ago he has begun to fool around at bedtime for sometimes an hour or more. We generally leave him to do whatever he does in there, but eventually we have to go back in and help him calm down. I took this as an indication that he was ready to start moving from 2 to 1 nap.
What we have tried:
Being sure the pm nap is finished by 4pm
Being sure he expends enough energy in the evening, but have a good wind down
- Neither have stopped the bedtime issues
In the morning letting him have a little cat nap (10- 20 mins) and then putting him earlier for pm nap. This has worked a few times really well, but then in the last week he started fooling around for the pm nap, which made it late in the day, which caused fooling around for bed time, which make him very OT the next day.
Stretching am A time to 3hrs, putting for a long nap. He still wakes to early in the afternoon to make it to bedtime, so he generally has a little snooze in the later afternoon (10-20mins). This has not worked at all!!! Lots of bed time fooling around. I know in this case BW suggests a really early bedtime, but I often don't have supper ready early enough. I also return to work next week and such an early bedtime would mean I don't see him all day for the whole week

There has to be another alternative.
Some of these ideas have also caused a little bit of NW.
I want my routine and predictability back!!! I thought this transition would be easier. I will post our previous EASY and kinda of what has been happening lately.
Finally, there could be a milestone of walking coming. I suspect he practicing in his bed. I don't think teeth are an issue right now.
My Questions:
What is causing all this? Should we just accepting some bedtime playing? If yes how long is too long. Are the little snoozes doing more harm then good? Should I just be going cold turkey?
Ok, long post. Thanks for all your help.
7am - Wake
9:15 - Am nap
10:30 - Wake, run errands etc.
12:30 - Lunch
2:00 - PM nap
4:00 - Wake
6:00 - Supper
7:00 - bath, books, cuddles
7:45 - bed
Rough EASY - AM cat nap
7:40am - Wake
10:40 - Cat nap
11:00 - Activity
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - PM nap - fools around
2:00 - get up play some
2:45 - PM nap
4:20 - Wake (we wake him and he is very grumpy)
6:00 Supper
7:30 - Bed - fools around until 8:30 (or like tonight, 9)
EASY with PM Cat nap
7:40 - Wake
10:45 - Nap
12:30 - Wake
4:00 - Snooze (20 mins)
7:00 - Bed (fools around until 8pm)