That isn't enough sleep - don't worry we can help. Have you read any of the Babywhisperer books? I definitely recommend The Babywhisperer Solves All Your Problems for Toddlers (because your little one is more than one year old.
What is your routine? On a normal day, what time does she wake up, sleep, eat etc?
thank you , i've read some of Feber's ways of solving the baby's sleeping problems, and i trained her to sleep by herself when she was 6months old, it worked after she cried for two days, she began to sleep for 4--5hours (not every 30minutes). but things had changed when she was 7months old because of teething. it changed a little better this month ,everytime after i breastfed her, she would play by herself for about 30--40minutes and came to sleep on my stomach( we share bed) then i'll move her aside. but usually she will wake up after one hour( sometimes just 40minutes), then sobs and come to my stomach again. here's the routine:
from 5am sobs every 20-30minutes , no matter breastfed or not;
7am:get up( breast feed)
8:20:breakfast( about 50cc porride,she doesn't want to take it at all ,looks very sleepy and rubs her eyes a lot)
8:40breastfeed ,then play for 30minutes or sometimes more than one hour
9:00am/10am--11am: nap( the longest 1and a half hour, the shortest just 30minutes)
12:30:lunch (about 100cc porridge, it's very hard for her to take any food except breast milk, she will vomit if i feed her solid food)
2:00 pm : breasfeed
2:30--4:00 :nap( wakes up every 40minutes but sleep again if i tap and comfort her,sometimes just sleep for 30minutes)
4:30--7:20:play( seems sleepy again)
7:30:dinner :100cc porride
8:20 :bath
9:00-9:50:play(no matter how sleepy she looks, she still wants to play)
10:00pm: sleepy
she wakes up every one and a half hour at night( somtimes 40minutes or one hour), takes at least 3 times breast milk( she will cry out and wake up totally if i don't breastfeed her ,then play for another one hour).
one more thing, she will wake up if there's a little sound, so we have to be very quiet if she sleeps. i;ve tried some white noise, it seems wrok llittle~