Author Topic: how do I help toddler with cold to sleep?  (Read 3813 times)

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Offline aylien

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how do I help toddler with cold to sleep?
« on: June 23, 2010, 23:06:22 pm »
My 11-month old is on her second day of a bad cold.  She's incredibly congested and so sleep, which has always been a challenge with her anyway, feels impossible now.  During the day her caretaker has resorted to car rides so LO at least gets some short naps, and at night, I've done what I can with rocking when she wakes (almost every hour last night). Nursing is hard because she can't breath through her nose.

I'm resorting to "accidental parenting", but I'm just wondering if there's anything else I can do to help her sleep?

Offline ~*Nicole*~

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Re: how do I help toddler with cold to sleep?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 23:21:06 pm »
Here's some tips. They don't make it perfect, you'll still APOP a bit, but it may get you longer stretches:

*Elevate the head of the crib, you can put a pillow under the mattress on one side.
*Vicks makes a vapor rub suitable for infants, put on chest and I also heard on the soles of the feet and cover in socks. Not sure how much it helps but it couldn't hurt right?
*Use a vaporizer in the room
*Run hot shower and sit in bathroom and let her breathe in steam
*Saline nose drops and/or the bulb suction thing to suck out snot/boogies. They HATE this though and will cry and carry on generally, but the saline things out the mucous and the suction thing pulls out excess and clears it a bit
*Avoid milk based things as much as possible, like yogurt, etc. as they seem to thicken mucous a bit. I try to give DD diluted juice and or just plain water before bed as opposed to her normal milk. I figure it's not forever so it's okay for the short term
*When she does wake at night, hold her as upright as possible to help "drain" the fluids. You know how you get all stuffed on one side and roll to drain and then it gets stuffed on the other side, I feel like it takes awhile to drain when I get up in the morning when I am sick, so the same must be happening to them.

Hope this helps a bit!

Offline aylien

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Re: how do I help toddler with cold to sleep?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 00:49:35 am »
Thank you

Offline ~*Nicole*~

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Re: how do I help toddler with cold to sleep?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 11:31:30 am »
Hope she feels better soon. It's no fun when they're sick. :( (DD here is just getting over a terrible cough/cold we've just done all these things)