Can you please help me to get my 14 month old little girls afternoon nap right. Im getting so fed up of her only sleeping for just over an hour and waking up crying and very grumpy.
I was a few months ago getting a lovely two hour nap in the afternoon but now she is sleeping for about an hour and 10 mins. i cant exactly tell you when she wakes as she likes to sit quietly in her cot for quite a while but i think its between 6.30-7.00. So i was putting her down at around 11.30-12 but i just keep getting the one hour nap and she wakes crying, i tried putting her down a little earlier 11ish but had no effect. So i went the other way and extended it and she woke after half an hour crying and then again at about an hour and hasn't gone back off and is crying.
We don't really have any problems at night, she does wake and cry but always goes back off to sleep with in a few seconds.
Really hope you can give me some help. Very great full.
Sophie x