If anyone has some help please let me know what to do. My son turn 12 months on the 26th. He actually did sleep 3 whole nights all the way through the night. The 3rd night was on his birthday and then he stopped again. He has never been a good sleeper. I have done the pick up/ put down. Mainly just the lay back down. That has helped. He now will go into his bed without screaming and I can usually get him to sleep with in 30 minutes. The biggest issue is, I can't leave him alone in his room as he is biting his crib. I thought it was bad when he scraped the color off, but I actually had to tie my robe belt around when he took a chunk of wood off with him. Otherwise he just wants to play in his crib, even when laying down he rolls around with his pillow. If I leave the room though he usually stands up and screams. Last night he woke up 6 times. I know it's worse these last few days because he is teething AND sick. But even on his best nights he wakes up 1-2 times. He doesn't want his bottle, I can usually get him to sleep without even picking him up. Either laying him right back down or giving him his binkie (pacifier) again. Please what can I do?