Author Topic: 12 month old still not sleeping through the night. help please!!!!  (Read 992 times)

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Offline mrsfroggey

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If anyone has some help please let me know what to do. My son turn 12 months on the 26th. He actually did sleep 3 whole nights all the way through the night. The 3rd night was on his birthday and then he stopped again. He has never been  a good sleeper. I  have done the pick up/ put down. Mainly just the lay back down. That has helped. He now will go into his bed without screaming and I can usually get him to sleep with in 30 minutes. The biggest issue is, I can't leave him alone in his room as he is biting his crib. I thought it was bad when he scraped the color off, but I actually had to tie my robe belt around when he took a chunk of wood off with him. Otherwise he just wants to play in his crib, even when laying down he rolls around with his pillow. If I leave the room though he usually stands up and screams. Last night he woke up 6 times. I know it's worse these last few days because he is teething AND sick. But even on his best nights he wakes up 1-2 times. He doesn't want his bottle, I can usually get him to sleep without even picking him up. Either laying him right back down or giving him his binkie (pacifier) again. Please what can I do?

Offline momtonb&ab

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Re: 12 month old still not sleeping through the night. help please!!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2010, 02:09:37 am »
could you let us know what your routine looks like for the day?  do you use the baby whisperer techniques?  have you read teh books?  if you have, could you tell us your day in EASY format so we can have a look?  does he eat well? 

we aer here to help, there are lots of great moms here who are willing to help you sort this out.