DS is nearly seven weeks. He's been on ranitidine (0.4ml 3x day) and domperidone (1.8ml 3x day) (based on 11lb 7oz weight) for a couple of weeks for suspected silent reflux. Symptoms wise, he's fussy when awake, cries a hell of a lot, very windy, lots of hiccups, doesn't like being laid down, cries when flat going to sleep, lots of back arching both when sitting and laying down.
He got into a BIG OT cycle which I managed to get him out of with swaddling and white noise and sheer perseverance
He can do 2hr naps but often wakes either after 30mins or 1hr - still trying to work out his ideal A time and I think this (or wind) are causing the wakings. Sometimes I can extend the naps with white noise. At night, he takes a couple of hours to get to sleep but when he eventually goes, he can do 4-8hrs before the first wake up so does sleep well once asleep.
He feeds every 3hrs - unless naps really awful then because A time is so short, I feed earlier to enable me to stick to A time and not create an OT baby. He is bf at the morning, evening and nighttime feeds. All others are bottles. I used Tommee Tippee bottles until a few days ago when I started using Dr Browns to try and reduce wind. Sometimes 2-3oz but other feeds are about 4-5oz. Weight gain has been good - he was 8lbs at birth and now is about 11lb 7oz.
When we last saw the doctor she also gave us nutramigen formula but I am not sure whether to try it as yet... she really didn't talk me through it and I know if I am to introduce it, then I would also need to give up dairy etc as I am mixed feeding - she made no mention of this. In fact, she just wrote out a prescription and off I went!
Anyway, DS is still incredibly fussy and cries so much and I am lost as to what to do next. Do I try the formula? How do I know if he has an allergy or am I just going to make things worse by introducing it? I have read some info on here on nutramigen and it wasn't all that positive?
Really could do with some advice...