Author Topic: 5 Month Old...doesn't eat all that well :(  (Read 1327 times)

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Offline MommyAdamo

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5 Month Old...doesn't eat all that well :(
« on: June 30, 2010, 14:30:16 pm »
Hi everyone!

My LO is turning 5 months old on Sunday :)  He was born 8 lbs 11oz and his check up is this Friday.  Last weigh in, (4 months) he was only 12 lbs 13oz.  I am now formula feeding only.  I was breastfeeding up until 3 months and then realized that he was a very lazy sucker so I began pumping.  I've been pumping up until now and started weening him off about a month ago so that he could get used to the formula. 

He has never been a big eater and this worries me.  I always make 7oz bottles and sometimes he'll drink only 4oz!  I don't get it??  Sometimes he'll take up to 6oz.  Usually, the avg is 5oz.  However, lately, he'll do 4 or even 3.  It's making me NUTS!  I know he's supposed to have at minimum 25oz a day and he just barely reaches that or just reaches it.  It makes me crazy.  He does eat cereal once a day (in the evening). 

How do I get him to eat more???

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Re: 5 Month Old...doesn't eat all that well :(
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 14:36:43 pm »
 Is your HV/GP happy with the weight gain?

 I owuldnt get too wound up about him having the exact amount each day, it is just a guide and if only a little under then I wouldnt worry too much about it to be honest.

 What size teat is he using? HAve you tried using a bigger one?

Offline MommyAdamo

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Re: 5 Month Old...doesn't eat all that well :(
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 18:31:29 pm »
My Doctor was worried at first, but he says he is just fine.  I am using a size 3 (3 holes).  It seems to be fine because there are times where it sometimes spills over the sides of his mouth.  LOL!  Size 2 is way too slow for him.

THanks for the reassurance!

Offline Lolly

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Re: 5 Month Old...doesn't eat all that well :(
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 20:30:03 pm »
My two sound very similar to your LO! I dread to think how much formula I've poured down the sink with the two of them ::). Mine are both refluxers and if we got either one to take more than 25oz in a day it was celebration time. They both had good and bad days but really averaged 25oz most days before solids. DD was also 8lb 11oz born and now at 13 months is 24lbs+ - so whatever she took it was enough for her!

At 5 months teeth could be playing a part so you could try a bit of teething gel just before a feed to see if that makes a difference.


Offline MommyAdamo

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Re: 5 Month Old...doesn't eat all that well :(
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 23:42:40 pm »
Thanks Laura!  I will try it!  Good to know I'm not alone!


Offline Daylene

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Re: 5 Month Old...doesn't eat all that well :(
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 23:53:36 pm »
Hey, MommyAdamo ~ from all I've read on the boards, this is a perfectly normal thing.  My DD goes through days where she eats 7-8 ounces for all her feeds, and other times she takes just 2-4 ounces.  I'm careful to keep her feeds 4 hours apart so as not to encourage snacking, but I do worry when she does that, because she'll likely get hungry and wake up too early from her naps!  Most days if I can get to the 20-25 ounce mark, I'm happy.

Anyway, my LO is "supposed" to be taking 6-8 ounces per feed, so if I see she's only taken 2 or 3 ounces, I will wait 20 minutes or so and try again.  And during the wait, I will keep her in the "feeding area" so she knows it's still meal time.  So, like a mini-feed at 10, and then another go at 10:30.  Usually she will take another 2-3 ounces at that time.  Then, here's the thing, I have to adjust her next feed so it's 4 hours after the 2nd try, not the 10:00 feeding.  Otherwise she's actually eating too often and it encourages snacking.  Tweaking the EASY routine by 30 minutes doesn't usually throw us off course too badly, and it's a way to make sure she gets the calories she needs.  I don't know if other BW moms do this, but it seems to work for us.

Offline MommyAdamo

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Re: 5 Month Old...doesn't eat all that well :(
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2010, 15:54:44 pm »
Hi Daylene!
I've had to do the exact same thing!  I know encouraging snacking is not good...however, sometimes you have to do what you have to do!  I completely agree with you and it does work at times.  My LO will drink 4-6oz..never 2-3oz.  Sometimes I will wait 30 mins like you, and he will take another oz or so.  Sometimes he doesn't. It is a really good idea to leave him in the "feeding area" because sometimes I don't do that.  Changing the EASY schedule a little usually doesn't mess things up too're right.  It is sooooooooooooooo good to hear that I'm not alone.

My LO is also on a 4hr schedule except for the evening.  I still give him more formula more often so that I "tank" him up.  His bottle is at 3-3:30pm and then his next one is 6:30pm or so along with cereal.  The last feed is at 9pm (just a top 1-2oz).  DF is at 11pm or 10:30pm depending on how much he ate at 9pm.  Seems to be working for us so far :)

Thanks again!