Needing some support for the maybe 2-1 switch? My DS just turned 15 mos. His usual schedule is: awake 6/6:30am, nap 10-11:30am, nap 3:30/4-5pm, bed at 8. The last few days he has refused his pm nap totally, slept 12 hours a few nights ago, was exhausted yesterday from missing his nap so we put him down at 7. He slept horrible with several wakings, then was up at 5:30 this morning. It was a 2 nap day, although it took him 45 mins to fall asleep this pm and he only slept 45 mins. He was exhausted when he woke up and we attempted to put him down at 7:15. It's now 8:10 and he's still chattering away in his room. Is he trying to make the switch? How long should he be able to make A time? He's done 4.5 hours w/o a problem but it's a push beyond that. I was trying to push the am nap by 15 mins every few days and cut the pm nap down. Is this the way to go, or should I be cutting the am nap and pushing up the pm nap (I really hate waking him in the am, it seems unfair?)? We switched to 1 nap at 11 mos and it caused horrible NW's - am afraid to bite the bullet again, but maybe he's ready now? Anything I am overlooking? Thanks!