My 14 month old ds has been sleeping through since 10months with some delp from here! For the last 2 nights however he's been playing when we put him down in his cot. Last night he played for an hour then dh had to go and help him off with ssh/pat, took 10min and eventually went off at 8pm. He was then up at 10pm - 12am, 5am and up for the day at 7am.
His days are unchanged with 1nap from 12:30-2:30/3pm. Giving:
7am - wake,
12:30-3ish - nap (When at CM has to be woken 2:30pm for school run)
bed - 7:30pm
Was thinking growth spurt, he's trying so hard at moment to walk and has gone from crawling to sofa surfing in 6weeks (wouldn't even stand before this) but not so sure if he could be needing a routine tweak? He's just gone off to sleep as I'm typing so taken 30mins. I know not necessarily a problem as he's not crying but unusual for my ds! Usually asleep in 10mins!
Thank you in advance!