Sure, it's been pretty consistent in the past few days, along the following lines. This is from Tuesday, which is pretty typical of where we are right now on a "routine" day:
E 7.30
A 7.15-8.45 (1hr 30)
S 8.45-10.35 (resettled 9.30)
E 10.40
A 10.35-12.05 (1hr 30)
S 12.05-13.10 (resettled 12.35)
E 13.30
A 13.10-14.55 (1hr 45)
S 14.55-5.00 (resettled twice)
E 5.05
A 5.00-7.00 (2 hrs)
S 7.00-7.20 (catnap in pram to preserve bedtime)
E 7.30
A 7.20-8.40 (1hr 20)
S 8.40 (an hour later than usual as we're currently staying with my parents in France, 1 hr ahead)
E 11 (DF)
The following night she woke 3 times before the DF at 11pm, then at 2.15 (I fed but shouldn't have as she didn't take much), 4 (resettled), 5 (resettled), 6 (fed - hungry), then up for the day at 7.45.
Yesterday was an odd day as we were out for a birthday, so her naps were much shorter:
Woke 7.45
E 8.00
A 7.45-9.20
S 9.20-10.45
E 10.50
A 10.45-12.10
S 12.10-12.40 (then moved to carseat as had to go out. Didn't go back to sleep)
A 12.40-3.05 (in a restaurant)
S 3.05-4.10 (woke after 30 mins, resettled for 5 mins only)
E 4.10
A 4.10-5.30
S 5.30-6
E 6.15
A 6-8
S 8 (in bed from 7.30; 30 mins to fall asleep)
E 11 (DF)
Woke 10.30 (resettled), 2.45 (fed - hungry) and 6.00 (fed - hungry). Then woke for day at 8.30
This day is worse than usual in terms of naps, but much better than usual in terms of the night!!
Today we've had another unusual day as my parents were looking after her, so naps have been short again. She went to sleep at 8 and has already woken twice (9.45 and 10.30) but resettled herself in a few minutes both times.
Hope this helps! Really grateful for any ideas....