Typical, the day you take them to the Dr they are happy as larry!! Dr said he is fine adn his ears and throat have cleared up. And to be honest he has actually seemed a lot happier and more himself the last 2 days.
In saying that, he has still woken at night!!!
Saturday he had a short nap 1hr15 and then slept through with no NW'ing.
Sunday he had 2 naps-30min in the car about 10am, and then 1.5 in the afternoon. He then woke at 1am (but settled quickly with a small rub on the back, and not getting him out of bed) and had an EW'ing at 6 (not that early for some people but I have got used to the 7-7.30 wake ups so it was a bit of a shock)
Monday, he had a nice 2hr nap and then woke at 11pm, but resettled himself after about 5min of grizzling.
so maybe we are on the mend?? Who knows. We will see what happens today!!
Knowing us we will just get through this, then he will come down with the chicken pox as they have started going round daycare.
As for the milk, I still give him so much casue he doesn't eat cheese, so yoghurt is his only other source of calcium. But yesterday I tried only giving him half his milk at morning tea in a sippy cup and he did eat a much better lunch. Someone also suggested making lunch his main meal of the day, so we dont' have the dinner time battles at night, so might give that one a go too.
Thanks for your advice Becky