Author Topic: Nights quite good, naps pretty poor  (Read 3230 times)

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Re: Nights quite good, naps pretty poor
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2010, 17:52:00 pm »
Oh No!!  That is my worst nightmare!!  I would not let MIL watch DS for the longest time, she had her own thoughts as well.  Then after a few months of seeing how awesome he was doing, she converted and now will do nothing without checking to make sure it is part of the routine first :) 
I honestly have to say, that it is a good idea to bring someone in to help in the early days so they can stay on EASY instead of having to go out and about.  But remember, you are paying them to do things YOUR way.  If they don't like it, someone else would love to take your money and do it your way :)

I am pretty much a hermit right now which is ok with me, but I know not everyone could handle being in the house with the kids almost 24/7.  I do all my errands after BT when DH is home or on weekends-but weekend trips are short, DD will not take a bottle from anyone and she still eats every 3 hours.  Thankfully she eats fast .

So far as W2S goes, I think you can really try it anytime if you know that your LO will wake at about the same time every time.  W2S is a good tool and not something to be scared of.

Have you done any EASY changes?  I just reviewed your EASY and I remember it looked like your LO could use a little more A time.  Is that working out at all for you? 

Offline jennurmi

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Re: Nights quite good, naps pretty poor
« Reply #31 on: June 18, 2010, 18:12:37 pm »
Yes i extended the activity time on all naps so he was in bed asleep for 9 and 11 (with about 10 min wind down as thats all it takes) but still just half an hour nap and then we went to the supermarket and he slept for half an hour again in his car seat...even there he wakes up on the half hour dot!, same in his pram! thats why i am thinking to give w2s a shot.
Fingers crossed! ;D

Offline bumblemum

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Re: Nights quite good, naps pretty poor
« Reply #32 on: June 18, 2010, 20:17:47 pm »
Hi Mommy Mertel, I've done as you've suggested and posted in the Easy forum. I agree that I need to dedicate some days to improving this. The last time I did that I went a bit potty on my own but I hadn't found this forum. Will try again.

I hope she sleeps better tonight because I'm shattered!

Thanks again, C

Offline elizasmommy

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Re: Nights quite good, naps pretty poor
« Reply #33 on: June 18, 2010, 21:11:29 pm »
I'm at my wits end! My 7mo old, all of a sudden, fights her naps. I've ruled out teething, hunger, diaper, reflux, intestional (sp?) issues, general pain. She's rubbing her eyes, yawning, and getting a pink hue around her eyes. She's 100% tired. I do the routine I've always done but something is DEFINATLY different. She used to get to a point of relaxation that she'd close her eyes and go to sleep.

I co-sleep and bf her, but have always done that. The only thing I can think of is that a couple of nights ago I left her with her father to put her to sleep and didn't come back for 1 1/2 hours. I've left her alone with him in increasing intervals (to work on our seperation anxiety) and she's been great, but this was the first time at night. Is it possible that this is a continuing reaction from the other night? How long will it last?  And have I lost her trust in me and her trust in going to sleep on her own?

Thank you.

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Re: Nights quite good, naps pretty poor
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2010, 02:42:15 am »
Elizasmommy-First of all slow down, this is all going to be ok!!!

Has you Lo been on EASY this whole time?  Have you co-slept for all sleep? 

You may want to start a thread of your own on either the general sleep board if she has been on EASY and this is anew sleep problem, the EASY board if you have not been on EASY and want to start to see if that helps, or on the Prop board to see if you can get some help with your co-sleeping.  Y

You could also check on the EASY boards because I believe they have information on SA (sep. anxiety) over there.

Some lovely lady on one of those boards will probably be able to help you better.  This thread has been running for awhile and I am not sure it will get enough looks to help you with your problem.

Sorry I can't help you more than that-I see this is your first post, so just so you know, they will be asking you for your EASY routine if you have one, and if not what routine you do follow.  It helps give clues to what's going on that you may not even see.

Hope That Helps

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Re: Nights quite good, naps pretty poor
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2010, 15:46:22 pm »
Just bumping this for my pal brynhilde to read.  Not sure how to attach a link so sorry if this is the wrong method.

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Re: Nights quite good, naps pretty poor
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2010, 19:38:00 pm »
Hope things are going well for you!!

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