I could not be sure if this should be in this category, please tell me if its not
What is the average A time for 8 mo?
My DD is currently having 2,5 hrs A time, which in the end she sleeps easily.
However, we are in a complicated situation.
She used to STTN since 3mo. After we introduced her to solids, she refused to eat for a month. She also refused formula, and I suppose breastmilk was not enough, so started the NW. I fed her 3 times some nights. Eventually, we found out that she had urinary tract infection, doctor treated her with antibiotics and she is much better now. She started eating her veggie soup, fruits and yoghurt. Still not good with formula (I'm trying)
NW continues but she wakes for 1 time everynight, not exactly at the same time.
I still DF her.
Sometimes she wakes up at 2, I nurse her. Then she is all awake at 5:30.
Sometimes she wakes up at 4, I nurse her and she sleeps unti 6:30.
We are trying to fix the "Eat" problem. But I also wondered if she needs longer A time. Or any other suggesitons?
Thanks for your help,