Author Topic: How should introducing solids affect breastfeeding?  (Read 1231 times)

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How should introducing solids affect breastfeeding?
« on: July 31, 2010, 13:50:14 pm »
We are just starting to introduce solids to our 6 month old, who was solely fed breast milk up to today.  I have been pumping and giving him a bottle because he use to only snack at the breast.  I still breastfeed him as much as I can and then add the bottle.  My question is, should I give him the same amount of milk in his bottle now that he is going to be eating solids?  Right now we are just doing 2 tbsp at bf and will then add 2tbsp at lunch and then at dinner.   


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Re: How should introducing solids affect breastfeeding?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 14:33:44 pm »
when you first start solids, it's really more just for taste and texture, not really for nutrition.  At this age, his milk intake really should remain about the same.  Over the next several months it will reduce a bit, but since you've just started, I would not decrease his milk intake at all.

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Re: How should introducing solids affect breastfeeding?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 19:29:44 pm »
I didn't change milk intake until 9 months although I bf so hard to know exactly but I still offered at the same times.  We built up to 3 meals by about 8.5 months and had started dairy then so we dropped a milk feed during the day about 9 months.    I always did bf then solids about 1 hour later.