My 23 month old daughter used to be a very good sleeper, 2 naps in the day and used to sleep through the night, that too, with me just leaving her in her cot awake at bedtime and walking out of the door.... then we went on a 6 week holiday where she slept in her own travel bed but in our room, and from there everything went wrong.
From the time we have got back I have had nothing but problems. She still has a good afternoon nap of about 2 hrs. but we have endless problems at bedtime and through the night. We have a good bedtime routine - bath,reading books, couple of songs, lights off...at this point she starts fussing and in the last couple of days has only agreed to lie down in her cot if I hold her hand through the railings (I sit on a chair near the cot). After about 15 minutes I can safely walk out but after 1.5 hours she starts crying, after waiting to see if she stops I go back in lie her down again, cover her and sit in the chair (no holding of hand) and she goes to sleep in minutes....This repeats itself every 1.5 hours till morning (sometimes she skips the crying at around 2am and goes for 3 hours).
What am I doing wrong how do I correct this - does anyone know what to do?
My routine is something like this:
8am Wake up, brush teeth, potty
9am go to playschool
11am back from school
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Nap
3.15-3.30 Wake up, snack, playtime
7.30 Bedtime Routine
8.15 Lights off
Many thanks in advance!