Hi and welcome to the boards

Just wanted to send some hugs (((()))) it's so hard when they are not sleeping. You will get some great advice here though!
I agree with Lucy, your lo sounds very overtired. The pattern seems to be with kids this age that if they take good naps in the day at a regular(ish) time, then they sleep more at night. Often 'common sense' (or my Mother

) tries to say otherwise - that to get them to sleep through the night we need to give them less daytime sleep and put them to bed later - but it actually seems to be the opposite! So working on getting that regular nap will definately pay off in terms of night time sleep, as your lo will be more relaxed and less 'wired' and so will be able to sleep better.
Have you read any of the babywhisperer books? They really helped me get my head round how I could help my lo sleep well, and it would be worth getting hold of one if you haven't already
