Day 2
E 3:14 am (9min)
S 3:25 am
E 5:27 (13 min) changed him in the middle b/c he pooped
S 5:55 Fell asleep at breast, went right back down
E 8:40 (6 min)
S 937 Turned music on, fussed until 946. Woke up crying at 10:30, picked him up used paci to soothe until next feeding. Dozed off and on with me on the couch.
E 10:52 (15 min). Couldn't stretch it any longer
S 12:05 pretty sleepy, went right to sleep. Cried out a few times but went right back to sleep. Had to wake him
E 2:03 (12 min) changed diaper in the middle
S 3:30 My mom was over and wanted to rock him to sleep. Began fussing at 4:05, picked him up and used paci.
Slept in swing until 4:40.
E 5:07 (13 min)
S 6:15 still with mom, rocked to sleep at 6:15, but was pretty much out just from being held. Woke up at 7, played a little, back to sleep at 7:40
CF 1 E 8:00 (20 min, both sides)
A changed diaper and clothes, played a few minutes, drove home, read book, sang song (attempting to find a good nightly routine that works for us) tried to put him down at 9:30 after being rocked with paci for a few minutes. Music was on. Fussed after a few minutes, continued until next feeding
CF 2 E 9:55 (9 min) fell asleep at breast after 4 minutes. Woke up when I burped him ate another 5 minutes. Put him to bed awake but content with music on. Cried almost immediately. Fussed off and on in 10-15 minutes intervals for next hour. Would cry for 10 minutes, quiet for 7 or so, start whimpering again with intermittent wails, quiet again, etc.
CF 3 E 11:15 (8 min) fell asleep on breast, went down fine.
S 11:23
So far today:
E 4:30 am (10 min)
S 4:40
E 7:09 (8 min)
S 8 am
Sorry for all the detail, I just copied and pasted from my notes
As fas as settling him to sleep during the day-he's usually pretty drowsy when I put him down, but he gets swaddled and if he's restless I will turn a music box on for him. He hardly ever fusses when I put him down, probably b/c he's usually almost asleep when I do. We rarely put him down with the paci b/c he tend to spit it out and wake himself up.
He eats well-the occassional click, but it only comes when he's being lazy b/c he gets a bottle sometimes, so after that he tends to be lazier when he eats. He hasn't had a bottle in a while, though. Most, if not all, of our feedings are one sided, b/c I'm pumping to try to build up a stock for when I go back to work, so I feed him on one side and pump the other. He hasn't really ever wanted both sides, so I stopped offering unless he's still fussy after one side. He usually gulps at the beginning b/c I think I have a fairly fast let-down. I try to pay attention to make sure he is swallowing the whole time, but I've had trouble being able to tell. The best I can do is say that he pauses with his chin down after every 1-3 sucks. I've heard that means he's getting a mouthful of milk.
Overall he's a content baby. Usually only fusses if he's hungry or tired, which I now know b/c of this routine. He doesn't have any gas issues. He has the appropriate amount of wet/dirty diapers and he's growing like a weed. He was born on June 8th weighing 7 lbs 7 oz, 19.5 inches long. At one month he was 10 lb 8 oz, 22ish inches long. July 26 (7 weeks) he weighed 12 lbs 4 oz.
I've always drank a lot of water, so that's not really changing. I'm not eating as much as I used to, but I'm overweight and am trying to make healthier choices and not eat as much. I'm not drastically cutting any calories, but I'm trying to eliminate the empty calorie snacks throughout the day. I can't think of anything else, and I think I answered all your questions! Hope this all made sense. Thanks again