Author Topic: 3YO dropping nap but baby sister still needs to sleep!  (Read 856 times)

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3YO dropping nap but baby sister still needs to sleep!
« on: August 09, 2010, 23:59:14 pm »
My DS just turned 3 at the end of July and has been slowly dropping his last nap for probably 6 months now or longer.  Usually on the days he actually sleeps it's because we have been out and about in the morning and active enough to poop him out :)  Until this week, if he wasn't tired enough to sleep he would just read his books in bed and lounge around until I came back in to get him.

My DD is almost 5 months old and has severe colic and reflux.  He does really well with the crying waking him up in general, interrupting us when I am playing with him, etc.  I've almost got her on a 4hr EASY, which now means that she is going down for her 2nd nap at the same time that his nap should be.  If I'm able to get her down without much crying it's great, but my DS has now decided that he doesn't want to be in his room at all for naps, even to read books.  Sometimes he will read for a few minutes and then is out of bed calling for me.  We put up a gate in front of his door a few months ago so he can't come out and that worked for a little while.  Now he stands at the gate and calls for me, and has woken up DD a few times because of it.  She NEEDS to nap and I can't have him waking her up!

Today I tried putting his nightlight on a timer and explained to him that I would be back when his light came on but that didn't work either.  He thought it was neat but still called for me.  If I didn't have DD I would just go downstairs and leave him be whether he cries or whatever, but I can't do that if I want DD to sleep.

I'm also unable to get out many mornings with both of them because DD won't sleep in the car seat or stroller longer than 30 mins at a time now.  If her first nap is messed up that wrecks the rest of the day, even though I try to keep her from getting OT by putting her down earlier and more often.  So we're sort of stuck.  :-\

I would really like him to have quiet time at that point of the day because I am just exhausted dealing with DD and her issues on top of his!

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Offline LucySol

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Re: 3YO dropping nap but baby sister still needs to sleep!
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2010, 11:51:05 am »
how letting him watch some Tele at that point in the day? i know its not the best thing to do but it might give you some time to have a rest?

Offline momtonb&ab

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Re: 3YO dropping nap but baby sister still needs to sleep!
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2010, 13:09:27 pm »
we had a bit of this problem (without the baby part) in that they needed the quiet time but didn't want to be in their rooms and i was just running up and down the stairs trying to get them to be quiet.  now, they sit in their little chairs with books in the room with me, but they aren't allowed to talk to each other or me, just look quietly at their books.  i set a kitchen timer for all of us and we read (or respectively i bw or pay bills online or some other 'sitting' type activity so i am here with them) for about an hour.     

we have also done a kids' show on tv if we really need them to sit still for a while.  it is the only time in the day in the summer they have a kids show at all anyway, so i don't feel bad about 30 mins of it. 

huge hugs, sounds like you are doing a great job!