Lucysol I think you may be right. He actually has two molars coming and now he doesn't want to go in his cot at all, just wants to be cuddled. Will try the naptimes you suggested when the teething subsides. Thanks.
Laura I did PU/PD for a little while, that helped but when they are older it gets harder. The routine was the big thing that helped. I rang my maternal child heath hotline and they helped me tweak it. I also looked at the sample routines on here and printed them out for guidance. It gave me some idea of what to aim for.
I think the cause of the catnapping was lack of routine in the first place. From day 1 we were out with kinda drop offs etc for my 4yo, often this meant my baby getting his sleep disturbed. He learned that hey you only sleep for 20min then get woken up so thats how it works
Good luck!