So my Newly turned 1 year old (on 31st July) is jet lagged. We are working on a 7 hour time difference. The thing is I kinda know what to do, but I have to deal with the NWs. So what do i do?
First night, patting for an hour till she fell asleep.
Last night, did various things, BF (prop!), susshikng, stroking head, then finally, after 2 hours, just walked out and let her cry... it was awful but didn't know what else to do sigh.
Tonight, well i was with her an hour, and i don't know if i should stay in the room, or walk in walk out, or what.. i feel awful letting her cry, it's on and off, sometimes quiet and sometimes a wail.... DH says I should let her cry but that's not the BW way and I feel pretty awful doing it. I mean, its not her fault she's not sleepy right?
sigh. any ideas? I know in the day to limit her naps but today we accidentally let her sleep for 2 hours for first nap then 40 mins... man i hope that she gets the sleep bug soon